
A Few of My Favorite *Spark 101* Things

March 2, 2020 -

In my last post I mentioned how excited I was about our new website. It was an absolute labor of love! But, as anyone who has completed a website update knows, it was also a real nightmare. In a re-design…

Spark 101 STEM Skills Videos - Now With QR Code Student View

February 24, 2020 -

I know firsthand that teachers need things to make their lives easier.  (Better pay, smaller class sizes, more support from administration, less student testing… do I need to go on?) So, I…

The New & Improved Spark 101 Website

February 12, 2020 -

I am passionate about business, community and education partnerships; diversity and inclusion, corporate social responsibility, career readiness, workforce training and STEM education. As such, I cont…

Merging Education and Business: How to Create “Magic”

November 13, 2019 -

This year’s STEM Education Summit - hosted by Macmillan Learning-  brought together key education and business leaders to discuss a highly debated topic, the future of work. Most notably wa…

Professional Challenge / Kaiser Permanente

February 28, 2018

In collaboration with Kaiser Permanente, the 114th Partnership has designed a unique and interactive career exploration experience for 9th and 11th graders from Montgomery County Public Schoo…
